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发表于 2023-3-22 12:25:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Welcome to ourplatform. It is an information sharing platform. By continuing to browse anduse this platform, you agree to be subject to and bound by the followingdisclaimer and our Terms and Conditions of Use.

This platformonly provides information sharing services, and all information is provided byusers themselves. We cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, and legalityof the information. Therefore, you are responsible for any risks andconsequences arising from the use of the information posted on this platform.We do not assume any direct or indirect legal liability.

This platformdoes not audit or screen the information posted by users, so we cannotguarantee the authenticity, accuracy, and completeness of the information. If thereis any infringement or inappropriate information, please contact us forprocessing.

We arecommitted to protecting your privacy.

When you use this platform, a privacy policy deals with the protection of your privacy whileyou use our platform. This Privacy Policy only applies to the platform. The platformmay contain links to other websites or applications, but if that is the case,the Privacy Policy does not apply to any of those linked websites orapplications. This platform does not regulate or mediate communication andinteraction between users. When using this platform, you are responsible forany risks and consequences arising from communication and interaction withother users. If there is a dispute, you must negotiate a solution with other usersby yourself, and we do not assume any responsibility.

Theinformation provided by this platform is for reference and communication only,and does not constitute any form of advice, guidance, or commitment. When usingthe information on this platform, please evaluate its applicability andreliability by yourself, and seek professional advice if necessary.

We gathercertain information from users of the platform, so this Privacy Policy explainswhat information we collect, how we use it, and your rights in relation to it.By continuing to use the platform You acknowledge that You have had the chanceto review and consider this Privacy Policy, and You acknowledge that You agreeto it. This means that You also consent to the use of Your information and themethod of disclosure as described in this Privacy Policy. If You do notunderstand the Privacy Policy or do not agree to it, then please do not use theplatform.

a. When usingthe platform, we may collect information from you through automatic trackingsystems (such as information about your browsing preferences).
b. Inaddition, we may collect information that you volunteer to Us (such asinformation that you provide during a sign-up process or at other times whileusing the platform)
c. In order toaccess some specific features of the platform and website, you are required to provide some personal information. Duringthis process, we collect some of your personal information, in the following manner:

We will not collect information that identifies you personally, exceptwhen you specifically volunteer that information to us when using specific platformand website features. These specific website features might include, but arenot limited to:
·       making purchases
·       receivingnotifications by text message or email about events and promotions
·       commenting on ourcontent such as blogs, articles, photographs, or videos, or participating inour forums, bulletin boards, chat rooms or other similar features.

In addition to any personal information that you are required to providein order to access these additional platform and website features, in somecases you may be required to provide more specific information. for example, inorder to make purchases, you will need to provide personal paymentinformation such as billing information and a postal address. We cannot accessand nor do we record or store your credit card number or other billing details.

We may requestinformation from you to assist us in improving our platform, goods, content ormaterials. for example, we may ask you to answer some questions about yourdemographics, your shopping preferences, or your other preferences in relationto the platform. you are not obliged to provide additional information. if youdo provide additional information, it will not be recorded in a manner whichpersonally identifies you.

a. Cookies aresmall files stored on your computer or mobile device which collect informationabout Your browsing behavior.
b. Cookies donot access information which is stored on your computer.
c. Cookiesenable us to tailor our configurations to Your needs and preferences, in orderto improve your user experience.
d. Most internetbrowsers accept cookies automatically, although you are able to change Yourbrowser settings to control cookies, including whether or not you accept them,and how to remove them. You may also be able to set your browser to advise youif you receive a cookie, or to block or delete cookies. However, if you dothis, you may be prevented from taking full advantage of the platform.

a. Please notethat no systems involving the transmission of information via the internet, orthe electronic storage of data, are completely secure. However, we take theprotection and storage of your personal information very seriously. We take allreasonable steps to properly protect your personal information.
b. We useappropriate physical, digital, managerial and security systems to store YourPersonal Information and to protect it against unauthorized access,destruction, or disclosure.
c. We do notstore or hold your personal payment information such as credit card numbers orother financial information required to complete purchases on the platform. Ourpayment processes are directed through reputable third-party financialinstitutions who employ their own high security protocols appropriate to theirbusinesses.

Users who rely on the information onthis platform and suffer any direct or indirect losses, including but notlimited to economic losses, business losses, profit losses, data losses, etc.,are solely responsible for their own losses, and this platform does not assumeany responsibility.
We will try our best to ensure thenormal operation of this platform, but during use, technical issues or otheruncontrollable factors may cause the platform to malfunction or temporarilyunable to access. This platform does not assume any responsibility for anydirect or indirect losses caused by this.
This platform has the right to modifyand update the disclaimer as needed, and the latest version will be publishedon this platform. Please pay attention to changes and updates to the disclaimerregularly.

Before using this platform, pleasecarefully read and understand this disclaimer. If you have any questions aboutthis disclaimer, please contact us.


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